5/54: September 11th


Inside, the World Trade Center, Maria stares down at her keyboard trying to concentrate. Maria, a receptionist on the 97th floor, is a widow. She sits at her desk daydreaming about one day having children, but then quickly remembers her husbands death 3 years ago and the dream of a child fades away. SECONDS LATER, a plane crashes into The World Trade Center!!

Complete panic as a second plane then crashes into the second building of The World Trade Center. People rush out the doors in attempt to escape the fire and smoke. Maria (in the purple), starts to run out of her building but passes a little girl crying over her headless mother…. (see below)

Just as Maria is about to leave everyone behind to save herself, she sees this helpless child and decides she must help her. She could never leave this poor child alone, to fend for herself in such a disaster and danger.

Here we see Maria carrying the poor child out and away from danger. She runs as fast as she can to get her and the child to safety. Panic ensues around her as a fire man run back into the burning building in attempt to save as many people as he can. Bodies lie all around them and Maria and the child embrace.

Ground Zero. A sad, tragic day for America, and a day we will never forget.

Maria saved the child and ended up adopting the little girl. She may of lost her husband three years ago but she had a new gift of love in her life and she was going to be the best mother she could be. Maria knew things happen for a reason, and she survived for a reason: to save this little girl.

The End.

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