Monthly Archives: September 2012

12/54: Barbie Dream Catcher

Barbie is a dreamer. Barbie represents following your dream and living the dream. When presented with the directive Quintessence, my mind immediately went to spiritual things, like incense and dream catchers. So I made a Barbie dream catcher.

Threw in some Barbie shoes and sunglasses. The feathers in this Barbie Dream Catcher represent the freedom of Barbie because Barbie is a dreamer and can be whoever she wants to be.

This dream catcher is to keep all those negative dreams away!


11/54: Dark Energy & Dark Forces

Quintessence can also mean dark energy or forces. When I think dark energy I think evil spirits.

Barbie can go dark and scary as easily as she can be bright and cheerful.

For this post I dressed Barbie to represent dark energy and evil forces.

These dark forces are dressed as a mummy, a zombie, a witch, a troll, and a devil. Also threw an angel in there with the devil for some contrast.

10/54: Barbie does Ouija Board

This week’s directive is Quintessence. When I think about quintessence I think spiritual, some higher being. Quintessence represents the 5th element. The first four are earth, wind, fire, and water. To me, the 5th element represents a power or essence we don’t know, and exist outside of those four elements. So I created a Ouija board for Barbie so Barbie and her pals can connect with the spirits and “the other side.”

At sleepovers Barbie and her friends love to play with the Ouija board. They pull out the Ouija board late at night, light incense and candles and try to reach the spirits. They ask the Ouija board questions like,

“Does Ken love me?”  (NO)

“What will my career tomorrow be?”

“How many children will I have?”

“At what age will I die or be thrown away?”

“Does Ken love me?   (still NO)



9/54: Re-growable Barbie

As a child I was constantly pulling the heads off my Barbie’s, and could never manage to get those heads back on. But what if you could plant the detached head in the ground, and a brand new Barbie would grow? That would be pretty cool.

Step 1: Dig a small hole in the ground

Step 2: Bury the Barbie head

Step 3: Water the buried Barbie Head

Step 4: After about a week you will start to see your brand new Barbie grow! Continue watering the Barbie until she is full grown!

Step 5: Enjoy your brand new Barbie!!

8/54: Be Resourceful

Barbie wants you to help the environment anyway you can. So if that means being resourceful and using the materials in your backyard to dress Barbie, great! Today Barbie spent the afternoon making a skirt for herself out of beautiful pink rose petals. She then took two sea shells she had found this summer at the beach and tied them together with some seaweed. These lovely, yet small and natural things are a great way to dress Barbie, and they are flattering to her figure as well!

Take a look! This look will be a “Must-have” next summer for sure!


7/54: A Barbie Tree Dream

My Crazy Barbie Dream!!

Last night, as I slept cozy in my bed, I dreamt something crazy. I dreamt that I walked outside and saw a huge tree, with Barbies growing on it! As I walked through this dream land, I gazed up at all the beautifully dressed Barbies. They were calling my name, “Elaine! Elaine! Pick me! Play with me!” Which one should I pick? I didn’t know. Then I saw a beautiful Barbie dressed in a gorgeous gown, I decided I had to have her. So I reached up my arms for the Barbie, but as I raised my arms in the air, the tree and the Barbies grew a little higher, just out of my reach. Up my tippy-toes, I reached again for the Barbie, but again the tree grew a little higher and just out of my reach. Frustrated, I yelled for the Barbie, but I had no voice! So I jumped as high as I could, and suddenly the tree shot up in to the sky. The Barbies were now much too far out of my reach. How did the tree grow so fast? How will I get my Barbie? Then, I look down and my hands have shrunk. My feet have shrunk, and my shoes are now too big. Immediately, I run inside and look in a mirror, but I am too short to see over the counter. Did I shrink? I climb onto the toilet in front of the mirror and stare at my reflection in amazement, I am 5 years old again.

6/54: Barbie’s “Save Mother Earth” Campaign

This is Barbie’s Save Mother Earth Campaign. This beautiful figure represents all that Barbie stands for, a healthy and resourceful planet. Barbie wants to teach children all the ways they can help their Mother Earth in order to save her for the generations to come. Feathers and the bird represents the animal kingdom, in which we must love and protect. The waves of the ocean represents how we must not pollute our water, we must keep it clean and safe. The plants and flowers represent the importance of planetary life on this planet; we must keep this earth clean and healthy so we can breathe clean air.

This is an oil pastel and watercolor painting with Barbie’s face pasted in the middle.

5/54: September 11th


Inside, the World Trade Center, Maria stares down at her keyboard trying to concentrate. Maria, a receptionist on the 97th floor, is a widow. She sits at her desk daydreaming about one day having children, but then quickly remembers her husbands death 3 years ago and the dream of a child fades away. SECONDS LATER, a plane crashes into The World Trade Center!!

Complete panic as a second plane then crashes into the second building of The World Trade Center. People rush out the doors in attempt to escape the fire and smoke. Maria (in the purple), starts to run out of her building but passes a little girl crying over her headless mother…. (see below)

Just as Maria is about to leave everyone behind to save herself, she sees this helpless child and decides she must help her. She could never leave this poor child alone, to fend for herself in such a disaster and danger.

Here we see Maria carrying the poor child out and away from danger. She runs as fast as she can to get her and the child to safety. Panic ensues around her as a fire man run back into the burning building in attempt to save as many people as he can. Bodies lie all around them and Maria and the child embrace.

Ground Zero. A sad, tragic day for America, and a day we will never forget.

Maria saved the child and ended up adopting the little girl. She may of lost her husband three years ago but she had a new gift of love in her life and she was going to be the best mother she could be. Maria knew things happen for a reason, and she survived for a reason: to save this little girl.

The End.

4/54: Venus Figurines vs. Barbie

In my art history class we are studying and observing prehistoric art. Last class we looked at prehistoric sculptures called Venus Figurines. Venus Figurines are sculptures created thousands and thousands of years ago to represent the “ideal woman” and “ideal female body type.” If you compare these figurines to today’s ideal body image, Barbie, you see quite a difference.

Today, people look to the image of Barbie as the perfect female figure. However, as you see below, the ideal female body in the prehistoric times was very different than Barbie.

Venus Figurines were sculptures of women with very large and emphasized hips, chest, and butt. These emphasized body parts represented fertility. These Venus Figurines represent the Stone Age’s idea of what they thought a woman should look like in that time. Their larger body parts were all important for reproduction. Fertility was a woman’s main purpose in life in the prehistoric times.

Take a look at the photos so you can see the difference in today’s “ideal” female body type. It’s interesting!


3/54: Barbie Puzzle Piece Necklace

So I found this awesome little puzzle at the dollar store. Now, I always enjoy a good puzzle, but I need something more with this puzzle. I wanted to make something special out of this Barbie puzzle, so it would be more than just a normal, everyday puzzle. So here is what I came up with….

Step 1: Pick which part of the puzzle you like most, and attach those pieces together

Step 2: Use glue (I used a hot glue gun) to permanently attach the pieces together

Step 3: Poke a small hole in the top of the puzzle piece so you can insert a small jewelry loop through it, and attach loop and chain

Step 4: Add your own finishing touches to make even more special!

And Enjoy your new necklace!!


2/54: “Make me look like Barbie”

Ever think about how you would really look if you tried to look just like Barbie? You may think Barbie is perfect and the ideal woman but I think that is far from the truth. When doing a Barbie look-a-like makeover on my friend, Ally, we found how ridiculous Barbie’s clothes and make-up really are. If you were to do your make-up like Barbie, you will basically look like a hussy. And the outfits… Many of the outfits made for Barbies are very revealing and unrealistic.

We did this make over in steps, which are shown below in the photos. First, you see a photo of Ally in her everyday, normal clothes, and wearing no make-up. Second, I dressed Ally in a “Barbie like” outfit to show how silly you would look if you dressed like Barbie. Third was the make-up. I piled on pink eye shadow and pink lipstick, just like Barbie. We also inserted socks in Ally’s shirt to match the unrealistic proportions of Barbie. By the end of the makeover I couldn’t help but laugh at Ally. She looked ridiculous! If this is how Barbie does it, then Barbie needs some fashion tips, as well as some lessons in beauty and make-up.


1/54 Barbie Arm Earrings

Barbie body parts as earrings? Didn’t you know? They are all the rage these days.

Here, I took the arms off a Barbie doll, added some lovely purple beads and made some stylish, different, and fun earrings.

Big thanks to my mom for modeling the earrings. She’ll probably wear them out this weekend, as will I.



Welcome to my Barbie Blog

Hey y’all! Welcome to my Barbie Blog for my advertising class. Almost every day I will post something new and creative that has to do with Barbie. No idea where this project is going to take me but I am excited to see what I come up with. Enjoy!