9/54: Re-growable Barbie

As a child I was constantly pulling the heads off my Barbie’s, and could never manage to get those heads back on. But what if you could plant the detached head in the ground, and a brand new Barbie would grow? That would be pretty cool.

Step 1: Dig a small hole in the ground

Step 2: Bury the Barbie head

Step 3: Water the buried Barbie Head

Step 4: After about a week you will start to see your brand new Barbie grow! Continue watering the Barbie until she is full grown!

Step 5: Enjoy your brand new Barbie!!

2 thoughts on “9/54: Re-growable Barbie

  1. This is awesome 🙂 haha I honestly thought I would be the only one who did some sort of growing Barbie

  2. jbassme says:

    Awesome idea. I thought of this but put another twist on it. If only this could happen!! 🙂

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