Tag Archives: project54

47/49: Reflect. Looking Back..

Two more posts left but as soon as we were given the directive, reflect, in my head I immediately went back to all my old posts and reflecting on all the fun I’ve had with this class thus far.

Barbie is about using your creativity and creating stories, identities, and memories.Well, in many ways I see Curiousness to be true of all these things too. This semester in Curiousness we have channeled some major creativity, created some funny stories, developed our identities, and created wonderful memories. When I look back on all the different posts I have done I am amazed with all the silly and fun little ideas I came up with. As I reflect on the semester and Project54 I find myself incredibly pleased with this class and my work.

For this post I took pictures and clips from many of my posts. Its a nice way for me to reflect on all the crazy Barbie things I did this semester… and when I watch it I feel quite proud.

Song: Moar Jive
By: Gramatik

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43/54: Success. Travel the world


In my book success means being able to travel and explore the world. It’s always been a dream of mine to travel and photograph the world and traveling is something I have a strong passion for. There’s nothing like the feeling of exploring a new place and finding the beauty in unfamiliar places. As a child I used Barbie as a way to play out this life long wish of mine. Barbie gives us the ability to imagine things for ourselves, as well as create dreams and goals for ourselves. When I was a girl I would take Barbie in her Barbie car outside and pretend she was on a road trip. I couldn’t wait to grow up and drive my own car around on road trips. I wanted to be able to explore lots of places like Barbie did in my stories.

This year for Thanksgiving break I drove to Boston. In my car, with some great music playing, I drove up north to spend Thanksgiving with a loved one and explore the city of Boston. So I filmed my drive up north and put it all together for you in a video.
One day I hope my job allows my to travel to places far and wide. I hope to one day be successful enough to travel where ever and whenever I want. It would be a dream to be able to afford that or have a job that requires me to travel to different places all over the world.

Song: North
By: Phoenix

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42/54: Success. Finishing what you start

One problem I have sometimes is finishing things after I start them. I think many people might have this problem. However, I believe in order to be successful you must finish the things you start. If we were to never finish the projects we start nothing would ever get done. Barbie teaches this to young children.. Children aren’t going to dress Barbie half way or stop playing with Barbie before Ken saves her from the fire breathing dragon. Art, stories, ideas, project, etc. must be finished in order to truly feel successful. When things are left undone you feel as if you fall short and feel inadequate. That’s why it’s important to finish what you start.

For this post I went through an old sketch book of mine and flipped through the pages of many unfinished (some finished) artwork and drawings. I came across an incomplete picture of small yellow flowers, then sat down and took the time to finish this painting I had once started.

Song: She just likes to fight
By: Four Tet

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